Since there is a great interest in new homeopathic remedies, provings we have established here a regular column to inform readers about which provings have been conducted and where the material can be obtained. Obviously there is not the space within a regular publication to print out all new and interesting provings. We regarded it as enough to provide information on how to find these provings and tell you what is new. The ideal medium to collect provings is a website, which can be updated anytime at no cost and can be accessed by everyone all over the world instantaneously. We are trying to provide such a website, which is run in two languages, English and German. The website where you can find all provings we were able to collect is Of course we are interested in gaining new information. If you have conducted a proving and want to share it, please contact us and send the text file to be published on the www. (Of course no money is involved. We never get any for this service, so you won't either.) If you want a proving to be published or at least mentioned, please tell us: Who did it, When, Where, How many provers, What style of proving, Which remedy (what substance is it, what part of the sample, which pharmacy, etc). Thank you in advance for your cooperation.
Agnus castus - AIDS - Ambra - Aurum - Carcinosinum - Castellum - Crotalus horridus - Cuprum sulphuricum - Cypraea eglantina - Ephedra sinica - Germanium metallicum - Ginkgo biloba - HIV/AIDS - Koala - Lac humanum-masc - Lac humanum-fem - Lac ovinum - Lac-suis - Lachesis - Lapis lazuli - Lignum aquilaria agallocha - Lithium carbonicum - Microwave - Naja - Natrum sulphuricum - Porcellanum - Sepia - Scilla - Societas - Stanton Drew Stone Circle - Taraxacum - Tempesta - Tulipa - Zinc phosphoricum - Vipera.