This is the last newsletter of the year and an appropriate time to take stock. The Journal has increased its subscriber base substantially with two new National Societies subscribing for all its members and others looking to do it in the near future. We have welcomed the Latvian Society to the federation and all its members are looking forward to the benefits of membership of the Federation.
We must hope that the citation index of the Journal is maintained and even improved in the new format and we must all try to encourage submissions to further this aim.
Most of the Societies have had very successful Scientific Meetings during the year but the British Society always has to bring up the rear with its meeting just before Christmas. This has a number of great advantages particularly as the manufacturers are able to show any very recent advances in equipment at the Radiological Society of North America which immediately precedes the meeting and the Christmas season gives all members a good excuse to enjoy the social life of the Congress. We always have a number of overseas visitors and would welcome many more. Why not give us a visit and avoid the Chistmas shopping at home!
Writing this in early November I seem to be wishing the year away but I would like to thank all those who have made my job easier over the year of the new format especially Gianna Stanford who helps to keep things moving and remind me when I am running out of time.
And finally may I wish you all a very pleasant festive season!
David Pilling
EFSUMB Publications Committee
European Federation of Societies for Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology