Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2005; 53(5): 274-280
DOI: 10.1055/s-2005-865689
Original Cardiovascular

© Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York

Different Tilting Disc Valves Show Similar Rotation-Dependent Impairment in Hemodynamic Performance under a Tilted Implantation Position[1]

M. Hartrumpf1 , R. U. Kuehnel1 , R. Puchner1 , M. O. Wendt2 , M. Pohl2 , J. M. Albes1
  • 1Heart Center Brandenburg, Bernau/Berlin, Germany
  • 2Institute of Medical Physics and Biophysics, Charité, Humboldt-University Berlin, Germany
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Received February 14, 2005

06. Oktober 2005 (online)


Background: Aortic annulus calcification can promote tilted implantation of mechanical valves. This study evaluates the hemodynamics of tilting disc valves under this condition. Methods: 23 mm and 25 mm Ultracor® (UC) and Medtronic-Hall-Easy-Fit® (MH) valves were investigated in a pulse-duplicator under physiological conditions. Mean pressure gradient (dPmean), systolic energy loss (dWsys), effective orifice area (EOA), closure (VCl), leakage (VL), and total regurgitation volume (VR) were assessed. Valves were independently positioned at five axial rotations (0 - 180°, zero defined as major orifice facing the top of the “tilt-ramp”) and three tilt angles (0°, 10°, 20°) by lifting the prosthesis in the noncoronary sinus. Results: Diameter-enhanced MH valves exhibited a better systolic performance but a higher regurgitation than corresponding UC valves. Moderate tilting showed a rotation-independent increase in dPmean and dWsys and a decrease in VR and EOA with no fundamental differences between valve types. Further tilting caused small additional changes at 90 - 180° rotation. At 0° rotation, however, dramatic regurgitation occurred throughout. Conclusion: Tilting worsened systolic performance regardless of valve type. It should therefore be avoided. Due to extensive regurgitation at 0° rotation, this position should be corrected whenever tilting is inevitable.

1 Presented at the annual meeting of The German Society for Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery in Hamburg, Germany, 13 - 16 February 2005.


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1 Presented at the annual meeting of The German Society for Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery in Hamburg, Germany, 13 - 16 February 2005.

Dr. med. Martin Hartrumpf

Department of Cardiovascular Surgery
Heart Center Brandenburg

Ladeburger Straße 17

16321 Bernau/Berlin


Telefon: + 493338694510

Fax: + 49 33 38 69 45 44
