It is a small beginning to treat the cerebral palsy syndrome as even the latest homeopathic articles on its treatment were available neither on the Internet nor in the journals. In my study, 29 cases of various types of cerebral palsy were treated with homeopathic medicines and gave good, encouraging results, whereas in other systems treatment efficacy is very meager except symptomatic treatment and physiotherapy. In the majority of cases, there were few symptoms. Prescription is based on objective symptoms, developmental history, and gestures of the affected children. Even miasmatic evaluation was carried out. In this study, causes of the various types of cerebral Palsy were as follows: 5 premature, 6 neonatal jaundice, 10 birth asphyxia, 9 neonatal seizure, 2 children were due to consanguineous marriages, 8 children were due to health problems in mothers during antenatal period, 1 child birth trauma (forceps), and in 18 children the cause was not known. The types of cerebral palsy were: spastic type 14, athetoid 1, ataxic 1, mixed type 13. The front-line remedies were Calcium phosphoricum in 48.27 %, Arsenicum album in 37.93 %, Baryta carbonica in 24.13 %, Agaricus in 20.68 % and Tuberculinum used in 41.37 % of cases. In a total of 29 cases, 6 cases dropped out at various stages; in others overall improvement was good. A comparison was also made with and without physical exercise.
Key words
Cerebral palsy syndrome - Little's disease - Spastic diplegia.
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Prof. G. R. Mohan
D. H MS, MBS (Hom) P G Dip (env)
Professor and HOD Medicine,
J S P S Govt Homoeopathic Medical College
Ramanthapur, Hyderabad
500 013, AP,