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DOI: 10.1055/s-2006-924517
© Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York
A Cumulative Effect of Physical Training on Bone Strength in Males
Publication History
Accepted after revision: July 15, 2006
Publication Date:
16 November 2006 (online)

Weight-bearing, high-impact exercise, as opposed to nonimpact exercise, has been demonstrated to increase bone mineral density. This was traditionally demonstrated with dual energy X‐ray absorptiometry. Our objective was to assess the differences in bone properties, using quantitative ultrasound (QUS, Sunlight Omnisense™, Sunlight Medical, Ltd., Tel Aviv, Israel), in male athletes involved in a weight-bearing, impact sport (soccer, SC) or a nonimpact sport (swimming and water polo, AQ), compared with nonathletic control (C) males. A total of 266 boys and men, aged 8 - 23 years, were divided into children (11.1 ± 1.0 years; 34 SC, 34 AQ, 25 C), adolescents (14.7 ± 1.2 years; 32 SC, 31 AQ, 31 C), and young adults (19.8 ± 1.1 years; 31 SC, 24 AQ, 24 C) · Training experience varied between 1.5 years in the children to 15 years in the adults. Bone speed of sound (SOS) was measured bilaterally at the distal radius and the mid-tibia. Body fat was significantly lower in athletes compared with C. AQ were generally heavier and had a higher fat-free mass compared with SC and C, with no significant differences in height between groups. Radial SOS increased with age, but no differences were observed between activity groups or between the dominant (D) and nondominant (ND) arm. Tibial SOS also increased with age. In the children and adolescents, no differences were observed between activity groups. However, among adults, both SC and AQ had higher tibial SOS compared with C. These differences were mainly explained by differences in fat-free mass. Among young adults but not among children and adolescent males, both soccer and aquatic sports appear to be associated with higher bone SOS in the lower, but not the upper, extremities. Further studies are needed to assess possible sport-specific mechanisms which affect bone properties and to determine the minimal cumulative effect which is needed to influence bone properties.
Key words
Adolescence - boys - soccer - sport - swimming
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Dr. Bareket Falk
Department of Physical Education and Kinesiology
Faculty of Applied Health Science
Brock University
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