Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2007; 55(2): 127-129
DOI: 10.1055/s-2006-924619
Short Communications

© Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York

Heart Transplantation for Isolated Noncompaction of the Left Ventricle in an Infant

T. Spieker1 , T. Krasemann2 , A. Hoffmeier3 , A. Buning1 , V. Debus2 , H. Kehl2 , G. Drees3 , E. Eltze1 , H. H. Scheld3 , T. D. T. Tjan3
  • 1Institute of Pathology, University Hospital, Münster, Germany
  • 2Department of Pediatric Cardiology, University Hospital, Münster, Germany
  • 3Department of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, University Hospital, Münster, Germany
Further Information

Publication History

Received March 16, 2006

Publication Date:
21 March 2007 (online)


Isolated noncompaction of the left ventricular myocardium is a rare cardiomyopathy typically showing a “spongy” myocardium on ultrasound. We report on the ultrasonic and pathomorphological characteristics of an infant who, at the age of 40 days, was treated by heart transplantation for isolated noncompaction. Noncompaction should be suspected in newborns with otherwise unexplained cardiomyopathy and a “spongy” left ventricle. However, ultrasonic and pathological findings may be much less pronounced at this age than later in life.


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MD Tilmann Spieker

University Hospital
Institute of Pathology
Domagkstraße 17

48149 Münster


Fax: + 49 25 18 35 54 60
