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DOI: 10.1055/s-2006-942270
© Georg Thieme Verlag Stuttgart · New York
Ultrastructural Insights into the World of Cartilage: Electron Microscopy of Articular Cartilage
Publication History
Publication Date:
02 November 2006 (online)

Articular cartilage has a hierarchical organization, which is based on the mechanical stress to which it is exposed. It functions as a gliding surface, as well as in force distribution and varies according to the kind and duration of mechanical demand. In order to understand articular cartilage biology and developmental or pathological variations, tissue morphology is an important and versatile tool. In the present overview, the fine structure of cartilage is presented and related to functional aspects.
Key words
hyaline cartilage - ECM - collagen - proteoglycans - joint - morphology - electron microscopy
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Mag. S. Nürnberger
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