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DOI: 10.1055/s-2007-965078
© Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York
Gluteus Medius Muscle Atrophy is Related to Contralateral and Ipsilateral Hip Joint Osteoarthritis
Publication History
accepted after revision January 29, 2007
Publication Date:
29 May 2007 (online)

In order to understand the role of the gluteus medius muscle (GM) in hip joint osteoarthritis, the objective of this study was to analyze the correlation between morphometric data of GM samples with osteoarthritis scores of ipsilateral and contralateral hips in 41 patients. GM samples obtained during unilateral hip replacement surgery were used to evaluate muscle fibers in the cross-sectional area (CSA) and other features indicative for muscle aging. Clinical symptoms were assessed by the Lequesne pain score. Hip osteoarthritis was graded by the Kellgren score and by measuring the sum joint space width (sumJSW) at three different articular locations and minimal JSW in a. p. radiographs. Varying degrees of GM muscle atrophy correlated with the pain score; pain score also correlated with radiographic signs of osteoarthritis. GM CSA was significantly correlated with all radiographic signs of the contralateral hip, but only with the sumJSW in the ipsilateral hip. It can be concluded that a weak GM may be the result of ipsilateral osteoarthitis, but may especially predispose the contralateral hip to develop osteoarthritis. This can be associated with an impaired GM capacity to avoid the shock impact in the load transfer during gait. Muscle strengthening is therefore recommended.
Key words
hip osteoarthritis - muscle histology - muscle fiber area - Kellgren index - joint space width
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Prof. Hans-Joachim Appell
Physiology and Anatomy
German Sport University
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