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DOI: 10.1055/s-2007-970903
Ethik in der Palliativmedizin
Ethics in Palliative MedicinePublication History
Publication Date:
22 June 2007 (online)

There are many ethical issues which arise in the professional provision of palliative care. The moral problems that occur in the practice of modern medicine can be related to the normative challenges in the confrontation with biotechnical progress and the concept of futility. Palliative care ethics as part of medical ethics is concerned with normative rules and standards concerned with problems and questions in end of life decision-making. The orientation on the quality of life with all related aspects and respect for autonomy in its different manifestations is a key issue of palliative care ethics. The balanced consideration of the four principles of biomedical ethics are the most valuable construct for ethical decision-making in difficult situations associated with ethical problems in end of life care.
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Prof. Dr. med. H. Christof Müller-Busch
Abt. f. Anästhesiologie, Palliativmedizin und Schmerztherapie am Gemeinschaftskrankenhaus Havelhöhe
Kladower Damm 221
14089 Berlin