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DOI: 10.1055/s-2007-973438
Training-Related Changes in the Brain: Evidence from Human Auditory-Evoked Potentials
Publication History
Publication Date:
23 April 2007 (online)

Auditory-evoked potentials are being used to examine training-related changes in the human central auditory system, and there is converging evidence that focused listening training, using various training methods and different types of stimuli alters evoked neural activity. Such training-related changes are often described in terms of physiological plasticity, a process whereby the neural representation of the acoustic cue is modified with training. In this review, the concept of plasticity is discussed from a broader perspective. Specifically addressed is how electrophysiological methods are being used to study physiological modifications that occur with training, and how this information might contribute to the rehabilitation of people who wear hearing aids and cochlear implants.
Auditory plasticity - auditory training - perceptual learning - electrophysiology - event-related potentials - mismatch negativity - N100 - P1-N1-P2 complex
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Kelly L TremblayPh.D.
Department of Speech and Hearing Sciences University of Washington
1417 NE 42nd St., Seattle, WA 98105