The ultrasound world is a special one. Formedical practice the ultrasound examination is sometimes the "third hand" of the clinician. Many specialties use this tool for improving diagnosis. On the other hand it is an operator dependent method and needs a learning curve in order to be used at the highest level. That is why teaching programmes are very important in this field.
The World Federation for Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology - WFUMB and also the European Federation of Societies for Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology - EFSUMB understand the need for education in the field of ultrasound and the importance of an organized unitary system of teaching. Thus, WFUMB support the formation and development of Centre of Excellence to support education and training in ultrasound.
The Timisoara's Ultrasound Learning Centre had the honour to become a WFUMB Center of Excellence from 16th September 2006. We would like to take this opportunity to present our Ultrasound Learning Centre.
In Romania Prof. Gheorghe Badea (from the University of Medicine Cluj) performed the first abdominal ultrasound examinations in 1978. In Timisoara ultrasound examinations started in 1984 undertaken by Prof. Ioan Sporea, Prof. Gheorghe Gluhovschi and Petru Boiboreanu. In 1987 the first ultrasound practical courses were organized in Timisoara, and since 1992 we have organised two theoretical and practical ultrasound courses of three months duration every year.
Up to now more than 800 physicians have started their ultrasound experience at Timisoara's Ultrasound Learning Centre. Prof. Ioan Sporea, head of the centre, Mirela Danila, Roxana Sirli, Adriana Tudora and Alina Popescu, form the faculty of the centre. The centre organizes two courses every year of general ultrasound for three months each, a month course of interventional ultrasound and two weeks courses on FAST (Focused Abdominal Ultrasound in Trauma) ultrasound.
The participants on the courses benefit also from the educational materials of the centre: books, videotapes and educational CD's and DVD's. The educational web site of the centre allows ultrasound practitioners to present their experience and to learn from others (
In 2001 the centre organised the first Euroson School (Small Parts Ultrasound) in Romania in conjunction with the Romanian National Conference of Ultrasound.
In 2008 we shall be the host of the most prestigious European ultrasound meeting - EUROSON 2008, and we use this opportunity to invite every one to take part in this important event and to enjoy Romanian hospitality.
Ioan Sporea,
Head of the Department of Gastroenterology, University of Medicine and Pharmacy "Victor Babes" Timisoara