Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie up2date, Table of Contents Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie up2date 2008; 2(02): 117-132DOI: 10.1055/s-2007-986321 Störungsübergreifende Themen und Methoden Psychiatrische Aspekte von Stalking Harald Dreßing , Peter Gass Recommend Article Abstract Buy Article All articles of this category Full Text References Literatur Meloy JR, Gotthard S. A demographic and clinical comparison of obessional followers and offenders with mental disorders.. American Journal of Psychiatry 1995; 152: 258-263 Pathe M. Surviving Stalking.. Cambridge: University Press 1998: 48-49 Dreßing H, Henn FA, Gass P. Stalking behaviour - an overview of the problem and a case report of male-to-male stalking during delusional disorder.. Psychopathology 2002; 35: 313-318 Dreßing H, Kühner C, Gass P. Lifetime prevalence and impact of stalking in a European population.. British Journal of Psychiatry 2002; 187: 168-172 Campbell KM, Casoni D. Severe and recurrent wife assault-exploration of the effects of each partner's style of attachment.. Forensische Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie-Werkstattschriften (WsFPP) 2005; 12: 29-48 Kienlen KK, Birmingham DL, Solberg KB. A comparative study of psychotic and non-psychotic stalkers.. Journal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and Law 1998; 25: 317-334 Boon JC, Sheridan L. Stalker typologies: A law enforcement perspective.. Journal of Threat assessment 2001; 1: 75-97 Mullen PE, Pathé M, Purcell R, Stuart GW. Study of stalkers.. American Journal of Psychiatry 1999; 156: 1244-1249 Dreßing H, Gass P. Multiaxiale Klassifikation von Stalkingfällen - ein Leitfaden zur Begutachtung von Schuldfähigkeit und Prognose.. Nervenarzt 2007; 78: 764-772 Giese H. Leitsymptome sexueller Perversionen. In: Giese H (Hrsg) Psychopathologie der Sexualität.. Stuttgart, Enke: 1962 James DV, Farnham FR. Stalking and serious violence.. Journal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and Law 2003; 31: 429-432 Galeazzi GM, Elkins K, Curci P. The stalking of mental health professionals by patients.. Psychiatric Services 2005; 17: 298-304 Dreßing H, Scheuble B, Gass P. Stalking - a significant problem for patients and psychiatrists.. British Journal of Psychiatry 2006; 89: 66 Kühner C, Gass P, Dreßing H. Increased risk of mental disorders among lifetime victims of stalking-Findings from a community study.. European Psychiatry 2007; 22: 142-145 Dreßing H, Gass P. Stalking! Verfolgung, Bedrohung, Belästigung.. Bern, Göttingen, Toronto, Seattle: Huber 2005