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DOI: 10.1055/s-2007-993223
© Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York
Mehr Röntgen als Zähneputzen? Medizinische Strahlenbelastung: Viel Unkenntnis über Risiken und Gefahren
Radiation Exposure - Radiation Load - Benefit-Risk EvaluationPublication History
eingereicht: 29.10.2007
akzeptiert: 19.11.2007
Publication Date:
18 January 2008 (online)
Konventionelles Röntgen oder eine Computertomografie (CT) zählen zu den wichtigen bildgebenden Verfahren in der medizinischen Diagnostik. Dabei wird oft vergessen, dass die davon ausgehende Strahlenbelastung, vor allem bei einer Computertomografie, abhängig vom untersuchten Körperteil der natürlichen Strahlenbelastung von mehreren Tagen, Monaten oder sogar Jahren entspricht.
Radiation is energy that travels in the form of waves or high-speed particles. It occurs naturally in sunlight (cosmic radiation) and in the portion of the natural background radiation that is emitted by naturally occurring radioactive materials, such as uranium, thorium, and radon in the earth (terrestrial radiation). Man-made radiation is used in X-rays, cancer treatment, nuclear power plants and nuclear weapons. Biological effects of all types of ionizing radiations are similar. Some radiations are more efficient than others, however, and produce more biological damage per rad dose. Conventional X-rays and computer tomography (CT scans) are still the most important imaging tools. Little is known or even sank into oblivion that radiation load of these diagnostic procedures might be harmful to a certain extent. Therefore it should be noted that mainly the radiation dose levels corresponding to diverse CT Scans are equivalent to natural radiation dosage exposed over a short period, several months or even years. The general radiation safety objective is to protect individuals, society and the environment from harm by radiological hazards. It makes a significant contribution either to the risk to health or to the risk of other damage to which individuals, society and environment are exposed. It ensures that radiation exposure is kept below prescribed limits and as low as reasonably achievable. Because these diagnostic tools bare additional risks and do not always offer the expected benefit at any price questions stressing the overall benefit are justified.
Röntgen - Computertomografie - Strahlenbelastung - Diagnostik
Key words
radiation - X-ray - CT
Radiation Exposure in X-ray Examinations.
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Dipl.- Verw. wiss. H. Wannenwetsch
BKK Bundesverband
Abteilung Ärzte und Zahnärzte
Kronprinzenstr. 6
45128 Essen