Am J Perinatol 1985; 2(3): 204-207
DOI: 10.1055/s-2007-999949

© 1985 by Thieme Medical Publishers, Inc.

Primary Management of Postpartum Vulvovaginal Hematomas by Angiographic Embolization

Linda J. Heffner, Michael T. Mennuti, Joanne C. Rudoff, Gordon K. McLean
  • Departments of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Radiology, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
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04. März 2008 (online)

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Three cases of large postpartum vulvovaginal hematomas are reported. After conservative measures including incision and drainage, ligation of bleeding sites, vaginal packing and replacement of volume and coagulation factors failed to control the bleeding in each, pelvic angiography was performed. Brisk arterial bleeding demonstrated on arteriography was controlled by Gelfoam embolization in all three cases. Intra- or postpartum hematologic evaluation revealed a previously undiagnosed coagulation disorder in each patient. The authors suggest that angiography be considered before hypogastric artery ligation whenever possible in patients with large postpartum hematomas and that all such patients be evaluated for coagulopathy.