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Aktuelle Rheumatologie 2009; 34(2): 121-125
DOI: 10.1055/s-2008-1027716

© Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York

Increased Circulating Asymmetric Dimethylarginine (ADMA) Levels in the Active Stage of Behçet’s Syndrome

Erhöhte zirkulierende asymmetrische Dimethylargininspiegel (ADMA) in der aktiven Phase von Morbus BehçetH. M. Terekeci1 , S. Nalbant2 , T. Ozgurtas3 , S. Celik1 , S. Tapan3 , Y. S. Sanisoglu4 , B. Sahan1 , O. Sayan5 , Y. Kucukardali1 , C. Top1 , C. Oktenli1
  • 1Division of Internal Medicine, GATA Haydarpasa Training Hospital
  • 2Internal Medicine, GATA HEH
  • 3Department of Biochemistry, Gülhane Military Medical Academy
  • 4Department of Monitoring and Evaluation, Turkish Ministry of Health
  • 5Division of Hematology, GATA Haydarpasa Training Hospital