Synlett 2008(11): e3-e3  
DOI: 10.1055/s-2008-1077893
© Georg Thieme Verlag Stuttgart · New York

Stereocontrolled α-Alkylation of Oxime Ether Derived from Terpene: Efficient Synthesis of New Chiral γ- and δ-Amino Alcohols

Weitere Informationen


20. Juni 2008 (online)

Labat Stéphane. Toupet Loïc. Caille Jean-Claude. Mauduit Marc. Synlett  2008,  1669 

In the advance online (e-First) publication of this manuscript, the X-ray crystal structure drawings for compounds 9a (Scheme 3), 11c (Scheme 5) and 10o (Scheme 7) were missing.
These omissions have been corrected for both the print and the current online versions.