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Thromb Haemost 2007; 97(01): 119-123
DOI: 10.1160/TH06-03-0141
Cellular Proteolysis and Oncology
Schattauer GmbH

Tissue factor-positive microparticles: Cellular origin and association with coagulation activation in patients with colorectal cancer

Gregor Hron
1   Departments of Internal Medicine I and
Marietta Kollars
1   Departments of Internal Medicine I and
Heinz Weber
1   Departments of Internal Medicine I and
Verena Sagaster
1   Departments of Internal Medicine I and
Peter Quehenberger
2   Clinical Institute of Medical and Chemical Laboratory Diagnostics, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria
Sabine Eichinger
1   Departments of Internal Medicine I and
Paul A. Kyrle
1   Departments of Internal Medicine I and
Ansgar Weltermann
1   Departments of Internal Medicine I and
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