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Thromb Haemost 2008; 99(06): 1040-1048
DOI: 10.1160/TH07-09-0541
Blood Coagulation, Fibrinolysis and Cellular Haemostasis
Schattauer GmbH

Hypercoagulability in patients with haematological neoplasia: No apparent initiation by tissue factor

Helene F. S. Negaard
1   Departments of Haematology
4   Faculty of Medicine, University of Oslo, Norway
Per Ole Iversen
1   Departments of Haematology
4   Faculty of Medicine, University of Oslo, Norway
Bjørn Østenstad
2   Oncology, and
Nina Iversen
3   Medical Genetics, Ullevål University Hospital Trust, Oslo, Norway
Pål A. Holme
5   Department of Haematology, Rikshospitalet UNiversity Hospital Trust, Oslo, Norway
Per Morten Sandset
1   Departments of Haematology
4   Faculty of Medicine, University of Oslo, Norway
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