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DOI: 10.1160/TH09-03-0152
Identification of a protein S-interactive site within the A2 domain of the factor VIII heavy chain
Financial support: This work was partly supported by grants for MEXT KAKENHI (19591264) and The Mother and Child Health Foundation. An account of this work was presented at the 49th annual meeting of the American Society of Hematology, December 8, 2007, Atlanta, Georgia, USA.Publication History
11 March 2009
Accepted after major revision:
23 June 2009
Publication Date:
24 November 2017 (online)

We have recently demonstrated that protein S impairs the intrinsic tenase complex, independent of activated protein C, in competitive interactions between the A2 and A3 domains of factor VIIIa and factor IXa. In the present study, we have identified a protein S-interactive site in the A2 domain of factor VIIIa. Anti-A2 monoclonal antibody recognising a factor IXa-functional region (residues 484–509) on A2, and synthetic peptide inhibited the A2 binding to protein S by ∼60% and ∼70%, respectively, in solid-phase binding assays. The 484–509 peptide directly bound to protein S dose-dependently. Covalent cross-linking was observed between the 484–509 peptide and protein S following reaction with EDC (1-ethyl-3-(3-dimethylaminopropyl)-carbodiimide). The cross-linked adduct was consistent with 1:1 stoichiometry of reactants. Cross-linking formation was blocked by addition of the 484–497 peptide, but not by the 498–509 peptide. Furthermore, N-terminal sequence analysis of the 484–509 peptide-protein S adduct showed that three sequential residues (S488, R489, and R490) in A2 were not identified, suggesting that these residues participate in cross-link formation. Mutant A2 molecules where these residues were converted to alanine were evaluated for the binding of protein S. The S488A, R489A, and R490A mutants demonstrated ∼four-fold lower affinity than wild-type A2.These results indicate that the 484–509 region in the A2 domain of factor VIIIa, in particular sequential residues at positions 488–490, contributes to a unique protein S-interactive site.
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