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Thromb Haemost 2014; 111(01): 165-171
DOI: 10.1160/TH13-05-0433
New Technologies, Diagnostic Tools and Drugs
Schattauer GmbH

The effect of thrombus aspiration during primary percutaneous coronary intervention on clinical outcome in daily clinical practice

Sinem Kilic
1   Isala klinieken, Location Weezenlanden, Dept of Cardiologie, Zwolle, The Netherlands
Jan Paul Ottervanger
1   Isala klinieken, Location Weezenlanden, Dept of Cardiologie, Zwolle, The Netherlands
Jan-Henk E. Dambrink
1   Isala klinieken, Location Weezenlanden, Dept of Cardiologie, Zwolle, The Netherlands
Jan C. A. Hoorntje
1   Isala klinieken, Location Weezenlanden, Dept of Cardiologie, Zwolle, The Netherlands
Petra C. Koopmans
1   Isala klinieken, Location Weezenlanden, Dept of Cardiologie, Zwolle, The Netherlands
A. T. Marcel Gosselink
1   Isala klinieken, Location Weezenlanden, Dept of Cardiologie, Zwolle, The Netherlands
Harry Suryapranata
1   Isala klinieken, Location Weezenlanden, Dept of Cardiologie, Zwolle, The Netherlands
2   Universitair Medisch Centrum Nijmegen, Dept of Cardiology, Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Arnoud W. J. van ’t Hof
1   Isala klinieken, Location Weezenlanden, Dept of Cardiologie, Zwolle, The Netherlands
the Zwolle Myocardial Infarction Study Group › Author Affiliations