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DOI: 10.1160/VCOT-06-12-0098
Augmentation of the transverse acetabular ligament in canine caudoventral hip luxation
Publication History
15 December 2006
13 March 2007
Publication Date:
18 December 2017 (online)

Open surgical fixation was performed on four hip joints in three dogs who were suffering from caudoventral hip luxations for which closed reduction had previously failed. Stabilization of the joint was achieved with a ventral coxofemoral approach, which augmented the function of the transverse acetabular ligament using a sling implant through a bone tunnel (n=1), a sling implant around two pelvic screws (n=1), or an internal fixator plate (n=2). Transverse acetabular ligament augmentation resulted in successful joint stabilization in all cases, and should be considered for the surgical reduction of caudoventral hip luxations in dogs. The use of an internal fixator plate, while preserving soft-tissue blood supply and resulting in minimal to no long-term arthritic changes, may provide an optimal outcome.
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