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DOI: 10.3414/ME0546
Combining Hashing and Enciphering Algorithms for Epidemiological Analysis of Gathered Data
25. Februar 2008
09. Juni 2008
20. Januar 2018 (online)

Objectives: Compiling individual records coming from different sources is necessary for multi-center studies. Legal aspects can be satisfied by implementing anonymization procedures. When using these procedures with a different key for each study it becomes almost impossible to link records from separate data collections.
Methods: The originality of the method relies on the way the combination of hashing and enciphering techniques is performed: like in asymmetric encryption, two keys are used but the private key depends on the patient’s identity.
Results: The combination of hashing and enciphering techniques provides a great improvement in the overall security of the proposed scheme.
Conclusion: This methodology makes stored data available for use in the field of public health, while respecting legal security requirements.
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