Methods Inf Med 2011; 50(06): 508-524
DOI: 10.3414/ME11-06-0003
Original Articles
Schattauer GmbH

Biomedical Informatics – A Confluence of Disciplines?

A. Hasman
1   Department of Medical Informatics, AMC-University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
E. Ammenwerth
2   UMIT – University for Health Sciences, Medical Informatics and Technology, Hall in Tirol. Austria
H. Dickhaus
3   Institute of Medical Biometry and Informatics, University of Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany
P. Knaup
3   Institute of Medical Biometry and Informatics, University of Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany
C. Lovis
4   Division of Medical information sciences, University hospitals of Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland
J. Mantas
5   Health Informatics Laboratory, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Athens, Greece
V. Maojo
6   Biomedical Informatics Group, Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, Spain
F. J. Martin-Sanchez
7   Melbourne Medical School, Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Health Sciences, Melbourne, Australia
M. Musen
8   Stanford Center for Biomedical Informatics Research, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA
V. L. Patel
9   Center for Cognitive Studies in Medicine and Public Health, New York Academy of Medicine, New York, USA
G. Surjan
10   National Institute for Strategic Health Research, Budapest, Hungary
J. L. Talmon
11   Center for Research, Innovation, Support and Policy, University of Maastricht, Maastricht, The Netherlands
I. N. Sarkar
12   Center for Clinical and Translational Science; Department of Microbiology and Molecular Genetics, and Department of Computer Science, University of Vermont, Burlington, VT, USA
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Publication Date:
22 January 2018 (online)

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Background: Biomedical informatics is a broad discipline that borrows many methods and techniques from other disciplines.

Objective: To reflect a) on the character of biomedical informatics and to determine whether it is multi-disciplinary or inter-disciplinary; b) on the question whether biomedical informatics is more than the sum of its supporting disciplines and c) on the position of biomedical informatics with respect to related disciplines.

Method: Inviting an international group of experts in biomedical informatics and related disciplines on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of Methods of Information in Medicine to present their viewpoints.

Results and Conclusions: This paper contains the reflections of a number of the invited experts on the character of biomedical informatics. Most of the authors agree that biomedical informatics is an interdisciplinary field of study where researchers with different scientific backgrounds alone or in combination carry out research. Biomedical informatics is a very broad scientific field and still expanding, yet comprised of a constructive aspect (designing and building systems). One author expressed that the essence of biomedical informatics, as opposed to related disciplines, lies in the modelling of the biomedical content. Interdisciplinarity also has consequences for education. Maintaining rigid disciplinary structures does not allow for sufficient adaptability to capitalize on important trends nor to leverage the influences these trends may have on biomedical informatics. It is therefore important for students to become aware of research findings in related disciplines. In this respect, it was also noted that the fact that many scientific fields use different languages and that the research findings are stored in separate bibliographic databases makes it possible that potentially connected findings will never be linked, despite the fact that these findings were published. Bridges between the sciences are needed for the success of biomedical informatics.