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DOI: 10.3414/ME16-01-0067
Reconstruction of 12-lead ECG Using a Single-patch Device
Funding This work was financially supported by Samsung Electronics, Inc. (No. IO150612-03081-01).Publikationsverlauf
30. Mai 2016
accepted in revised form:
01. März 2017
24. Januar 2018 (online)

Objectives: The aim of this study is to develop an optimal electrode system in the form of a small and wearable single-patch ECG monitoring device that allows for the faithful reconstruction of the standard 12-lead ECG.
Methods: The optimized universal electrode positions on the chest and the personalized transformation matrix were determined using linear regression as well as artificial neural networks (ANNs). A total of 24 combinations of 4 neighboring electrodes on 35 channels were evaluated on 19 subjects. Moreover, we analyzed combinations of three electrodes within the four-electrode combination with the best performance.
Results: The mean correlation coefficients were all higher than 0.95 in the case of the ANN method for the combinations of four neighboring electrodes. The reconstructions obtained using the three and four sensing electrodes showed no significant differences. The reconstructed 12-lead ECG obtained using the ANN method is better than that using the MLR method. Therefore, three sensing electrodes and one ground electrode (forming a square) placed below the clavicle on the left were determined to be suitable for ensuring good reconstruction performance.
Conclusions: Since the interelectrode distance was determined to be 5 cm, the suggested approach can be implemented in a single-patch device, which should allow for the continuous monitoring of the standard 12-lead ECG without requiring limb contact, both in daily life and in clinical practice.
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