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DOI: 10.3414/ME9223
Estimation of Distribution Algorithms as Logistic Regression Regularizers of Microarray Classifiers
Publication History
31 March 2009
Publication Date:
17 January 2018 (online)

Objectives: The “large k (genes), small N (samples)” phenomenon complicates the problem of microarray classification with logistic regression. The indeterminacy of the maximum likelihood solutions, multicollinearity of predictor variables and data over-fitting cause unstable parameter estimates. Moreover, computational problems arise due to the large number of predictor (genes) variables. Regularized logistic regression excels as a solution. However, the difficulties found here involve an objective function hard to be optimized from a mathematical viewpoint and a careful required tuning of the regularization parameters.
Methods: Those difficulties are tackled by introducing a new way of regularizing the logistic regression. Estimation of distribution algorithms (EDAs), a kind of evolutionary algorithms, emerge as natural regularizers. Obtaining the regularized estimates of the logistic classifier amounts to maximizing the likelihood function via our EDA, without having to be penalized. Likelihood penalties add a number of difficulties to the resulting optimization problems, which vanish in our case. Simulation of new estimates during the evolutionary process of EDAs is performed in such a way that guarantees their shrinkage while maintaining their probabilistic dependence relationships learnt. The EDA process is embedded in an adapted recursive feature elimination procedure, thereby providing the genes that are best markers for the classification.
Results: The consistency with the literature and excellent classification performance achieved with our algorithm are illustrated on four microarray data sets: Breast, Colon, Leukemia and Prostate. Details on the last two data sets are available as supplementary material.
Conclusions: We have introduced a novel EDA-based logistic regression regularizer. It implicitly shrinks the coefficients during EDA evolution process while optimizing the usual likelihood function. The approach is combined with a gene subset selection procedure and automatically tunes the required parameters. Empirical results on microarray data sets provide sparse models with confirmed genes and performing better in classification than other competing regularized methods.
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