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DOI: 10.3415/VCOT-11-06-0082
Computerized measurements of radiographic anatomical parameters of the elbow joint in Bernese Mountain Dogs
Publication History
05 June 2011
11 March 2011
Publication Date:
19 December 2017 (online)

Objective: Comparison of two methods for evaluation of anatomical parameters of elbow joints in Bernese Mountain Dogs.
Study design: Radiographic analysis.
Animals: Nine hundred and thirty-one radiographs of elbow joints from 305 Bernese Mountain Dogs.
Material and methods: The angles OL, PA, RA and UL were measured according to the Mues method and the Radius of the humeral condyle, Opening angle beta, Quotient Q and Ae, Area X, Step 1 and Step 2 according to the Viehmann method. The radiographs were divided according to their angle of flexion into five groups: 0–30°, 31–60°, 61–90°, 91–120° and >120°. The difference and the correlation between measured values and the elbow dysplasia (ED) score was calculated and compared.
Results: The average values of angle OL, PA and RA, Area X, Step 1 and Step 2 were significantly different within the different elbow flexion angle groups. The values of Opening angle beta, Quotients Q and Ae as well as Radius of the humeral condyle varied independently from the degree of the elbow flexion on the radiograph. The angles OL, PA and RA and the Radius of the humeral condyle, the Opening angle beta, the Quotients Q and Ae, Step 1 and Step 2 correlated with the ED score.
Conclusion: In contrast to the method of Mues, the majority of the measured parameters of the method of Viehmann were not influenced by the degree of flexion of the elbow joint and correlated with the ED score. Clinical relevance: The method of Viehmann warrants consideration for the evaluation of radiographs of elbow joints in the Bernese Mountain Dog for ED.
This article is based on a study first reported in S. Stein's doctoral thesis, which was presented on 08.05.2007 and published thereafter in full by Mensch & Buch Verlag. This abridged and translated version is now being published with the kind permission of Mensch & Buch Verlag.
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