A 2-year-old cat was presented with the complaint of acute-onset non–weight-bearing lameness of the right forelimb. When examined, the cat was of short stature and had multiple joint and cartilaginous abnormalities suggestive of chondrodysplasia. The cause of the acute lameness was radiographically identified as a displaced osseous fragment from the medial portion of the right humeral condyle. The features of the osseous fragment were consistent with an ununited medial condylar ossification centre of the distal humerus. Furthermore, a nondisplaced ununited ossified fragment of similar appearance and size was present in the contralateral elbow. Surgical treatment by excision of the displaced fragment resulted in a preinjury level of limb function in the long-term outcome evaluation.
cat - elbow - humerus - medial condylar ossification centre - chondrodysplasia