J Am Acad Audiol 2019; 30(07): 651-652
DOI: 10.3766/jaaa.307ceu
JAAA CEU Program
Thieme Medical Publishers 333 Seventh Avenue, New York, NY 10001, USA.

JAAA CEU Program

Volume 30, Number 7 (July/August 2019)
Further Information

Publication History

Publication Date:
25 May 2020 (online)


    Questions refer to Gopal et al, “Risk Assessment of Recreational Noise-Induced Hearing Loss from Exposure through a Personal Audio System—iPod Touch,” 619–633.

    Learner Outcomes:

    Readers of this article should be able to:

    • Discuss the risks that recreational-induced hearing loss pose and what effects it can have on hearing thresholds and DPOAEs.

    • Understand the importance of creating guidelines to help limit the amount of damage caused by personal audio systems.

    • Summarize the perceptions that young adults have about listening to their personal audio systems.

    CEU Questions:

    1. How many young people between the ages of 12 to 35 years old are at risk for hearing loss from unsafe use of personal audio devices and exposure to damaging levels of sound at noisy entertainment venues, according to the World Health Organization (2015)?

      • 1.1 million

      • 111 million

      • 1.1 billion

    2. What is the term for threshold shifts that recover to baseline levels within weeks after exposure?

      • Impermanent threshold shift

      • Temporary threshold shift

      • Transient threshold shift

    3. Temporary threshold shifts are usually the worst at what frequencies?

      • All frequencies are equally affected

      • Within 1–2 octaves of the noise

      • Frequencies located above 9000 Hz

    4. What is the term for neural degeneration and dysfunction of synapses, even without hair-cell loss?

      • Cochlear degeneration

      • Neural dysnchrony

      • Cochlear synaptopathy

    5. What is the NIOSH (1998) recommended exposure limit for noise?

      • 85 dBA over an eight-hour time-weighted average

      • 85 dBA over a four-hour time-weighted average

      • 100 dBA over an eight-hour time-weighted average

    6. The average level of the music played at 100 percent was 97 dBC, but what was the range of output level at 100 percent volume?

      • 95–99 dBC

      • 50–115 dBC

      • 78–102 dBC

    7. As indicated by questionnaire results, what information did the majority of participants think would be the most beneficial to provide on a website?

      • Appropriate volume levels

      • Appropriate listening times

      • What kind of music to listen to

    8. As indicated by questionnaire results, how many of the participants were extremely concerned about possible hearing loss caused by listening to their personal listening device?

      • Nearly all of the participants expressed extreme concern.

      • About half of the participants expressed extreme concern.

      • None of the participants expressed extreme concern.

    9. Which of the following statements is correct?

      • The amount of threshold shift after listening to music at 100 percent volume depended on the gender of the participant.

      • There was no effect of gender on threshold shift after listening to music at 100 percent volume.

      • The changes in DPOAE response after listening to music at 100 percent volume depended on the gender of the participant.

    10. Statistically significant threshold shifts after listening to 30 minutes of music were found in which group/groups, if any?

      • None of the groups showed any changes in behavioral thresholds.

      • Only the 100 percent volume group showed significant changes in thresholds.

      • Both the 75 percent and the 100 percent volume group showed significant changes in thresholds.


    No conflict of interest has been declared by the author(s).