DOI: 10.1055/s-00046128

Journal of the American Academy of Audiology

Issue 07 · Volume 30 · July 2019 DOI: 10.1055/s-010-48576



Glista, Danielle; Hawkins, Marianne; Vaisberg, Jonathan M.; Pourmand, Nazanin; Parsa, Vijay; Scollie, Susan: Sound Quality Effects of an Adaptive Nonlinear Frequency Compression Processor with Normal-Hearing and Hearing-Impaired Listeners
Cañete, Oscar M.; Purdy, Suzanne C.; Brown, Colin R. S.; Neeff, Michel; Thorne, Peter R.: Impact of Unilateral Hearing Loss on Behavioral and Evoked Potential Measures of Auditory Function in Adults
Wesarg, Thomas; Arndt, Susan; Wiebe, Konstantin; Schmid, Frauke; Huber, Annika; Mülder, Hans E.; Laszig, Roland; Aschendorff, Antje; Speck, Iva: Speech Recognition in Noise in Single-Sided Deaf Cochlear Implant Recipients Using Digital Remote Wireless Microphone Technology

Letter to the Editor

JAAA CEU Program