DOI: 10.1055/s-00000041


Ausgabe 02 · Volume 20 · Mai 1989 DOI: 10.1055/s-002-12366

Original article

Rogers, Susan H.; Edwards, Deborah A.; Henderson-Smart, D. J.; Pettigrew, A. G.: Middle Latency Auditory Evoked Responses in Normal Term Infants: A Longitudinal Study
Sainio, K.; Rautonen, J.; Siimes, M. A.: Value of EEG in Childhood Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia*
Turki, I.; Kresse, H.; Scotto, J.; Tardieu, M.: Sanfilippo Disease, Type C: Three Cases in the Same Family
Plioplys, A. V.; Greaves, A.; Yoshida, W.: Anti-CNS Antibodies in Childhood Neurologic Diseases

Case report

Lee, S.; Park, Y. D.; Yen, S.-H. C.; Ksiezak-Reding, H.; Goldman, J. E.; Dickson, D. W.: A Study of Infantile Motor Neuron Disease with Neurofilament and Ubiquitin Immunocytochemistry*

Letter to the editor