DOI: 10.1055/s-00000025

Hormone and Metabolic Research

Issue 03 · Volume 11 · March 1979 DOI: 10.1055/s-002-13380


Kansal, P. C.; Bandisode, M. S.; Boshell, B. R.: Determination of Insulin Antibodies
Tober, C.; Krause, U.; Beyer, J.; Herberg, Lieselotte: Studies with Crystalline Insulin from Obese and Lean Mice of the BL/6J Strain
Baxter, R. C.; Brown, A. S.; Turtle, J. R.: Decrease in Serum Receptor-Reactive Somatomedin in Diabetes
Horký, K.; Śrámková, J.; Lachmanová, J.; Tomáśek, R.; Dvořáková, J.: Plasma Concentration of Antidiuretic Hormone in Patients with Chronic Renal Insufficiency on Maintenance Dialysis

Short Communications

Terpstra, J.; Hessel, L. W.; van Gent, C. M.; van Reine, P. H.: Postprandial Insulin Response and Diurnal Triglyceride Pattern
Pontiroli, A. E.; Pellicciotta, G.; Alberetto, M.; De Pasqua, A.; Girardi, A. M.; Pozza, G.: Cimetidine and L-Dopa in the Control of Prolactin Secretion in Man