DOI: 10.1055/s-00000012


Ausgabe 11 · Volume 40 · November 2008 DOI: 10.1055/s-002-13854

Original article

Rabenstein, T.; May, A.; Gossner, L.; Manner, H.; Pech, O.; Günter, E.; Huijmans, J.; Vieth, M.; Stolte, M.; Ell, C.: Invisible gastric carcinoma detected by random biopsy: long-term results after photodynamic therapy
Imagawa, A.; Fujiki, S.; Kawahara, Y.; Matsushita, H.; Ota, S.; Tomoda, T.; Morito, Y.; Sakakihara, I.; Fujimoto, T.; Taira, A.; Tsugeno, H.; Kawano, S.; Yagi, S.; Takenaka, R.: Satisfaction with bispectral index monitoring of propofol-mediated sedation during endoscopic submucosal dissection: a prospective, randomized study
Hirche, T. O.; Ignee, A.; Barreiros, A. P.; Schreiber-Dietrich, D.; Jungblut, S.; Ott, M.; Hirche, H.; Dietrich, C. F.: Indications and limitations of endoscopic ultrasound elastography for evaluation of focal pancreatic lesions
Hagen, M. E.; Wagner, O. J.; Swain, P.; Pugin, F.; Buchs, N.; Caddedu, M.; Jamidar, P.; Fasel, J.; Morel, P.: Hybrid natural orifice transluminal endoscopic surgery (NOTES) for Roux-en-Y gastric bypass: an experimental surgical study in human cadavers
Fritscher-Ravens, A.; Ghanbari, A.; Cuming, T.; Kahle, E.; Niemann, H.; Koehler, P.; Patel, K.: Comparative study of NOTES alone vs. EUS-guided NOTES procedures
Elmunzer, B. J.; Trunzo, J. A.; Marks, J. M.; Poulose, B. K.; Chak, A.; Schomisch, S. J.; Bailey, J. J.; Ponsky, J. L.: Endoscopic full-thickness resection of gastric tumors using a novel grasp-and-snare technique: feasibility in ex vivo and in vivo porcine models

Case report

Araki, A.; Tsuchiya, K.; Okada, E.; Suzuki, S.; Oshima, S.; Okamoto, R.; Kanai, T.; Watanabe, M.: Single-operator method for double-balloon endoscopy: a pilot study


Beilenhoff, U.; Neumann, C. S.; Rey, J. F.; Biering, H.; Blum, R.; Cimbro, M.; Kampf, B.; Rogers, M.; Schmidt, V.; : ESGE–ESGENA guideline: Cleaning and disinfection in gastrointestinal endoscopy

Letters to the editor

Katsinelos, P.; Germanidis, G.; Chatzimavroudis, G.; Pilpilidis, I.; Zavos, C.; Kountouras, J.: Biliary sphincter dilation: a novel approach for management of a biliary basket impaction
Misra, S. P.; Dwivedi, M.: Reply to Katsinelos et al.
Jani, N.; McGrath, K.: Reply to Lévy et al.
Tsujikawa, T.; Saito, Y.; Fujiyama, Y.: Reply to T. Kav et al.

