DOI: 10.1055/s-00000025

Hormone and Metabolic Research

Issue 09 · Volume 34 · September 2002 DOI: 10.1055/s-002-2213


Original Basic

Original Clinical

Lakka , H.-M.; Salonen , J. T.; Tuomilehto , J.; Kaplan , G. A.; Lakka , T. A.: Obesity and Weight Gain Are Associated with Increased Incidence of Hyperinsulinemia in Non-Diabetic Men
Sone , H.; Katagiri , A.; Ishibashi , S.; Abe , R.; Saito , Y.; Murase , T.; Yamashita , H.; Yajima , Y.; Ito , H.; Ohashi , Y.; Akanuma , Y.; Yamada , N.; JDC Study Group: Effects of Lifestyle Modifications on Patients with Type 2 Diabetes: The Japan Diabetes Complications Study (JDCS) Study Design, Baseline Analysis and Three Year-Interim Report

Letter to the Editor