DOI: 10.1055/s-00000175


Issue 05 · Volume 56 · May 2006 DOI: 10.1055/s-002-22595

Cardiac Drugs · Cardiac Stimulants · Coronary Drugs




Nirogi, Ramakrishna V. S.; Kandikere, Vishwottam N.; Shukla, Manoj; Mudigonda, Koteshwara; Maurya, Santosh; Boosi, Ravikumar; Yerramilli, Anjaneyulu: Liquid Chromatographic Tandem Mass Spectrometry Method for the Quantification of Miglitol in Human Plasma

Analgesics · Anti-inflammatories · Antiphlogistics · Antirheumatic Drugs

Süküroglu, Murat; Küpeli, Esra; Banoglu, Erden; Ünlü, Serdar; Yesilada, Erdem; Sahin, Mustafa Fethi: Synthesis and Analgesic Activity of Some 4,6-Disubstituted-3(2H)-Pyridazinone Derivatives

Antibiotics · Antiviral Drugs · Chemotherapeutics · Cytostatics

Hayat, Safdar; Rahman, Atta ur; Choudhary, Muhammad Iqbal; Khan, Khalid Mohammed; Perveen, Shahnaz; Ali Shah, Syed Tasadaque; Anwar, Awais; Anwar, M. Usman; Bayer, Ernst; Voelter, Wolfgang: Synthesis and Biological Evaluation of Isomeric Derivatives of Naturally Occurring Spatozoate
Andrade, Simone Schramm; Kano, Eunice Kazue; de Lima Souza Brioschi, Tatiane Maria; Koono, Eunice Emiko Mori; Serra, Cristina Helena dos; Porta, Valentina: Bioavailability Study of Two Oral Formulations of Didanosine in Healthy Volunteers

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