DOI: 10.1055/s-00000028

International Journal of Sports Medicine

Issue 03 · Volume 33 · March 2012 DOI: 10.1055/s-002-22895

Physiology & Biochemistry

Kim, Y.-J.; Kim, C.-H.; Shin, K.-A.; Kim, A.-C.; Lee, Y.-H.; Goh, C.-W.; Oh, J.-K.; Nam, H.-S.; Park, Y.: Cardiac Markers of EIH Athletes in Ultramarathon
Rosa, G.; Dantas, E.; Biehl, C.; de Castro e Silva, H.; Montano, M.A. E.; de Mello, D. B.: Leptin, Cortisol and Distinct Concurrent Training Sequences
Marqueti, R. C.; Micocci, K. C.; Leite, R. D.; Selistre-de-Araujo, H. S.: Nandrolone Inhibits MMP-2 in the Left Ventricle of Rats
Ribeiro, F.; Alves, A. J.; Teixeira, M.; Miranda, F.; Azevedo, C.; Duarte, J. A.; Oliveira, J.: Exercise Training Increases Interleukin-10 after an Acute Myocardial Infarction: A Randomised Clinical Trial

Training & Testing

de Paula Viveiros, J.; Amorim, F. T.; Alves, M. N. M.; Passos, R. L. F.; Meyer, F.: Run Performance of Middle-Aged and Young Adult Runners in the Heat
Duscha, B. D.; Annex, B. H.; Johnson, J. L.; Huffman, K.; Houmard, J.; Kraus, W. E.: Exercise Dose Response in Muscle
Burr, J. F.; Bredin, S.S. D.; Phillips, A.; Foulds, H.; Cote, A.; Charlesworth, S.; Ivey, A. C.; Drury, T. C.; Fougere, R.; Warburton, D.E. R.: Systemic Arterial Compliance Following Ultra-Marathon

Orthopedics & Biomechanics


Clinical Sciences

Bobbert, T.; Mai, K.; Brechtel, L.; Schulte, H. M.; Weger, B.; Pfeiffer, A.F. H.; Spranger, J.; Diederich, S.: Leptin and Endocrine Parameters in Marathon Runners

Letter to the Editor