DOI : 10.1055/s-00000059


Issue 06 · Volume 66 · June 2012 DOI: 10.1055/s-002-23294

UGMLC/DZL Symposium: Remodeling, Repair and Regeneration in Lung Diseases
Marburg, 21.–23. 6. 2012

Kongresspräsident: Prof. Dr. med. H. Renz, Marburg

Klein, F; Seeger, W; Wilde, A; Roska, B; Richardson, W; Voswinckel, R: Lineage differentiation of pulmonary alveolar fibroblasts
Hofmann, M; Schneider, A; Braun, T: The role of Numb/Numblike in lung epithelium
Yin, M; Ahlbrecht, K; Seeger, W; Voswinckel, R: The role of Sonic Hedgehog in postnatal mouse lung development
Koumba, C; Salwig, I; Szibor, M; Schöler, HR; Seeger, W; Voswinckel, R: Identification and characterization of Bronchioalveolar stem cells
El Agha, E; Al Alam, D; Carraro, G; MacKenzie, B; Goth, K; Voswinckel, R; HajiHosseini, MK; Bellusci, S: Characterization of a novel Fibroblast growth factor 10 (Fgf10) knock-in mouse line to target mesenchymal progenitors during embryonic development
Carraro, G; Rostkovius, J; Jones, M; Goth, K; El Agha, E; MacKenzie, B; Chao, CM; Moiseenko, A; Bellusci, S: MicroRNA regulation of embryonic lung mesenchyme proliferation and differentiation
Becker, S; Raissi, M; Liebner, S; Plate, K; Seeger, W; Voswinckel, R: Establishing of a pure entothelial cell culture from differentiating murine embryonic stem cells
Mauritz, C; Schmeckebier, S; Katsirntaki, K; Sgodda, M; Puppe, V; Duerr, J; Schubert, S; Schmiedl, A; Ochs, M; Cantz, T; Mall, M; Martin, U: Key factors for the differentiation of embryonic and induced pluripotent stem cells into respiratory epithelial cells