DOI: 10.1055/s-00000012


Issue 06 · Volume 35 · June 2003 DOI: 10.1055/s-002-2619

Original Article

van Berkel, A. M.; Bruno, M. J.; Bergman, J. J. G. H. M.; van Deventer, S. J. H.; Tytgat, G. N. J.; Huibregtse, K.: A Prospective Randomized Study of Hydrophilic Polymer-Coated Polyurethane Versus Polyethylene Stents in Distal Malignant Biliary Obstruction
Nassif , T.; Prat , F.; Meduri , B.; Fritsch , J.; Choury , A. D.; Dumont , J. L.; Auroux , J.; Desaint , B.; Boboc , B.; Ponsot , P.; Cervoni , J. P.: Endoscopic Palliation of Malignant Gastric Outlet Obstruction Using Self-Expandable Metallic Stents: Results of a Multicenter Study
Ackroyd , R.; Kelty , C. J.; Brown , N. J.; Stephenson , T. J.; Stoddard , C. J.; Reed , M. W. R.: Eradication of Dysplastic Barrett’s Oesophagus Using Photodynamic Therapy: Long-Term Follow-Up
Sotoudehmanesh, R.; Ali Asgari, A.; Ansari, R.; Nouraie, M.: Endoscopic Findings in End-Stage Renal Disease
Hosokawa , O.; Shirasaki , S.; Kaizaki , Y.; Hayashi , H.; Douden , K.; Hattori , M.: Invasive Colorectal Cancer Detected up to 3 Years after a Colonoscopy Negative for Cancer
Giovannini , M.; Bories , E.; Moutardier , V.; Pesenti , C.; Guillemin , A.; Lelong , B.; Delpéro , J. R.: Drainage of Deep Pelvic Abscesses Using Therapeutic Echo Endoscopy
Neumann , M.; Hahn , C.; Horbach , T.; Schneider , I.; Meining , A.; Heldwein , W.; Rösch , T.; Hohenberger , W.: Score Card Endoscopy: A Multicenter Study to Evaluate Learning Curves in 1-Week Courses Using the Erlangen Endo-Trainer


Losanoff, J. E.; Richman, B. W.; Foerst, J. R.; Griesemer, A. D.; Mundis, G. M.; Jones, J. W.: Nonspecific Ulcers of the Colon

Expert Approach Section

Vakil , N.; Kadakia , S.; Eckardt , V. F.: Pneumatic Dilation in Achalasia

Case Report

Costa Macedo , T.; Maldonado , R.; Valente , A.; Palma , R.; Raimundo , M.; Liberato , M.; Távora , I.; Alexandrino , P.; Carneiro de Moura , M.: Hemobilia in Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia: An Unusual Complication of Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography
Ly, Q.; Rünzi, M.; Menzel, J.; Rehbehn, K. U.; Zimmermann, A.; Büchler, M. W.; Friess, H.: Pancreatic Intraductal Ultrasonography (IDUS) Allows Early Diagnosis of Pancreatic Carcinoma in Situ: A Case Report
Goh , J.; Kelleher , B.; Clarke , E.; O’Keane , J. C.; MacMathuna , P.: Early Neoplasias of the Gallbladder and Bile Duct: An “Unstable” Biliary Epithelium?
Caers , J.; Reekmans , A.; Jochmans , K.; Naegels , S.; Mana , F.; Urbain , D.; Reynaert , H.: Factor V Inhibitor after Injection of Human Thrombin (Tissucol) into a Bleeding Peptic Ulcer

Unusual Cases and Technical Notes

Siméon-Gélu , M.; Guimber , D.; Michaud , L.; Bonnevalle , M.; Robert , Y.; Turck , D.; Gottrand , F.: Intercostal Positioning of a Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrostomy
Sotiropoulos , G. C.; Oldhafer , K. J.; Frühauf , N. R.; Treichel , U.; Clauer , U. A.; Brokalaki , E. I.; Broelsch, C. E.: Jejunoduodenal Fistula due to Penetrating Peptic Ulcer after Roux-en-Y Hepaticojejunostomy

Images in Focus

Gölder , S.; Strotzer , M.; Grüne , S.; Zülke , C.; Schölmerich , J.; Messmann , H.: Combination of Colonoscopy and Clip Application with Angiography to Mark Vascular Malformation in the Small Intestine