DOI: 10.1055/s-00000041


Issue 03 · Volume 34 · June 2003 DOI: 10.1055/s-002-2751

Original Article

Poppe, M.; Friebel, D.; Reuner, U.; Todt, H.; Koch, R.; Heubner, G.: The Kleine-Levin Syndrome
Kornek, B.; Bernert, G.; Balassy, C.; Geldner, J.; Prayer, D.; Feucht, M.: Glatiramer Acetate Treatment in Patients with Childhood and Juvenile Onset Multiple Sclerosis
Plecko, B.; Stöckler-Ipsiroglu, S.; Gruber, S.; Mlynarik, V.; Moser, E.; Simbrunner, J.; Ebner, F.; Bernert, G.; Harrer, G.; Gal, A.; Prayer, D.: Degree of Hypomyelination and Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Findings in Patients with Pelizaeus Merzbacher Phenotype
Kawashima, H.; Watanabe, Y.; Morishima, T.; Togashi, T.; Yamada, N.; Kashiwagi, Y.; Takekuma, K.; Hoshika, A.; Mori, T.: NOx (Nitrite/Nitrate) in Cerebral Spinal Fluids Obtained from Patients with Influenza-Associated Encephalopathy

Short Communication

Deconinck, N.; Duprez, T.; des Portes, V.; Beldjord, C.; Ghariani, S.; Sindic, C. J. M.; Sébire, G.: Familial Bilateral Medial Parietooccipital Band Heterotopia not Related to DCX or LIS1 Gene Defects
Tan, M. J.; Kandler, R.; Baxter, P. S.: Focal Neuropathy in Children with Critical Illness
Wolf, N. I.; Seitz, A.; Harting, I.; Smeitink, J. A. M.; Trijbels, F.; van den Heuvel, L. P.; Schlemmer, H.; Ebinger, F.; Evert, W.; Rating, D.: New Pattern of Brain MRI Lesions in Isolated Complex I Deficiency
Micheli, R.; Pirovano, S.; Calandra, G.; Valotti, M.; Plebani, A.; Albertini, A.; Imberti, L.: Low Thymic Output and Reduced Heterogeneity of Alpha/Beta, but not Gamma/Delta, T Lymphocytes in Infants with Ataxia-Telangiectasia