DOI: 10.1055/s-00000039

min - Minimally Invasive Neurosurgery

Ausgabe 04 · Volume 46 · August 2003 DOI: 10.1055/s-002-2821

Original Article

Gonzalez-Martinez, J. A.; Zamorano, L.; Li, Q. H.; Diaz, F. G.: Interactive Image-Guided Management of Colloid Cysts of the Third Ventricle
Aken, J. van; Struys, M.; Verplancke, T.; Baerdemaeker, L. de; Caemaert, J.; Mortier, E.: Cardiovascular Changes During Endoscopic Third Ventriculostomy
Kehler, U.; Regelsberger, J.; Gliemroth, J.: The Mechanism of Fornix Lesions in 3rd Ventriculostomy
Kehler, U.; Regelsberger, J.; Gliemroth, J.: Pro and Cons of Different Designs of Rigid Endoscopes
Martellotta, N.; Gigante, N.; Toscano, S.; Maddalena, G. F.; Tripodi, M.; Settembrini, G.; Stroscio, C.; Distefano, G.; Citro, E.: Unilateral Supraorbital Keyhole Approach in Patients with Middle Cerebral Artery (M1-M2 Segment) Symmetrical Aneurysms
Jain, R.; Kato, Y.; Sano, H.; Imizu, S.; Watanabe, S.; Yamaguchi, S.; Shinya, N.; Jindal, V.; Kanno, T.: Micromanipulator: Effectiveness in Minimally Invasive Neurosurgery

Case Report

Takehira, N.; Kang, Y.; Kanemoto, M.; Nishikawa, T.; Waga, S.: Unsuccessful Third Ventriculostomy for Occlusive Hydrocephalus