DOI: 10.1055/s-00000009

American Journal of Perinatology

Issue 07 · Volume 20 · 2003 DOI: 10.1055/s-002-2971

Kapoor, Seema; Ratan, Simmi K.; Gathwala, Geeta; Mehndiratta, Sanjeev; Kashyap, Ravi: Bronchoesophageal Fistula in a Neonate: Radionuclide Study as Diagnostic Modality
Dola, Chi P.; Garite, Thomas J.; Dowling, David D.; Friend, Diana; Ahdoot, David; Asrat, Tamerou: Placenta Previa: Does Its Type Affect Pregnancy Outcome?
Murakami, Kouichi; Shimada, Keiko; Maeda, Eiko; Segawa, Tomoya; Shozu, Makio; Inoue, Masaki: Fetal DNA Levels in Maternal Blood Correlated with Fetal Prognosis in a Case of Intervillous Hematoma
Sheffer-Mimouni, Galit; Mimouni, Francis B.; Lubetzky, Ronit; Kupferminc, Michael; Deutsch, Verda; Dollberg, Shaul: Labor Does Not Affect the Neonatal Absolute Nucleated Red Blood Cell Count
Jasper, Jill; Clark, William D.; Cabrera-Meza, Gerardo; Berseth, Carol Lynn; Fernandes, Caraciolo J.: Whose Child Is It Anyway? Resolving Parent-Physician Conflict in the NICU Setting
Ishikawa, Kazuaki; Watanabe, Hiroshi; Tadokoro, Nozomu; Oshima, Kyoko; Nishikawa, Masayoshi; Inaba, Noriyuki: Outcome of Prolapsed Chorioamniotic Membrane: Relationship between the Degree of Herniation, Infection, and Pregnancy Prolongation
Dunbar III, Alston E.; Moore, Sheila L.; Hinson, Roger M.: Fetal Diamond-Blackfan Anemia Associated with Hydrops Fetalis