DOI: 10.1055/s-00000072

Seminars in Reproductive Medicine

Issue 01 · Volume 19 · 2001 DOI: 10.1055/s-002-3188

Ziecik, A. J.; Derecka, K.; Gawronska, B.; Stepien, A.; Bodek, G.: Nongonadal LH/hCG Receptors in Pig: Functional Importance and Parallels to Human
Fanchin, Renato; Peltier, Eric; Frydman, René; de Ziegler, Dominique: Human Chorionic Gonadotropin: Does It Affect Human Endometrial Morphology In Vivo?
Kurtzman, James T.; Wilson, H.; Rao, Ch. V.: A Proposed Role for hCG in Clinical Obstetrics
Lobo, Shalini C.; Srisuparp, Santha; Peng, Xinjiang; Fazleabas, Asgerally T.: Uterine Receptivity in the Baboon: Modulation by Chorionic Gonadotropin
Shemesh, Mordechai; Mizrachi, Dario; Gurevich, Michael; Stram, Yehuda; Shore, Laurence S.; Fields, Michael J.: Functional Importance of Bovine Myometrial and Vascular LH Receptors and Cervical FSH Receptors