DOI: 10.1055/s-00000057

Plant Biology

Issue 04 · Volume 2 · July 2000 DOI: 10.1055/s-002-393

Review Article

Booy, G.; Hendriks, R. J. J.; Smulders, M. J. M.; Van Groenendael, J. M.; Vosman, B.: Genetic Diversity and the Survival of Populations

Original Paper

Bijlsma, R.; van der Velde, M.; van de Zande, L.; Boerema, A. C.; van Zanten, B. O.: Molecular Markers Reveal Cryptic Species Within Polytrichum commune (Common Hair-Cap Moss)
Smulders, M. J. M.; van der Schoot, J.; Geerts, R. H. E. M. M.; Antonisse-de Jong, A. G.; Korevaar, H.; van der Werf, A.; Vosman, B.: Genetic Diversity and the Reintroduction of Meadow Species