DOI: 10.1055/s-00000058

Planta Medica

Issue 11 · Volume 49 · November 1983 DOI: 10.1055/s-002-5581

Research Articles

Bounthanh, C.; Richert, L.; Beck, J. P.; Haag-Berrurier, M.; Anton, R.: The Action of Valepotriates on the Synthesis of DNA and Proteins of Cultured Hepatoma Cells
Nahrstedt, Adolf; Wray, Victor; Grotjahn, Lutz; Fikenscher, Lucie H.; Hegnauer, Robert: New Acylated Cyanogenic Diglycosides from Fruits of Anthemis cairica
Kram, Gerhard; Franz, Gerhard: Untersuchungen über die Schleimpolysaccharide aus Lindenblüten Analysis of Linden Flower Mucilage
Wagner, H.; Schwarting, G.; Varljen, J.; Bauer, R.; Hamdard, M. E.; El-Faer, M. Z.; Beal, J.: Die chemische Zusammensetzung der Convolvulaceen Harze IV Chemical Constituents of the Convolvulaceae-Resins IV
Bassleer, R.; Marnette, J.-M.; Wiliquet, Ph.; De Pauw-Gillet, M.-Cl; Caprasse, M.; Angenot, L.: Etude complémentaire de la cytotoxicité de la mélinonine F, alcaloïde dérivé de la β-carboline Complementary Study of Cytotoxic Activity of Melinonine F
Engelshowe, Rolf: Dimere Proanthocyanidine als Gerbstoffvorstufen in Juniperus communis Tannin Producing Dimeric Proanthocyanidins in Juniperus communis
Caputo, O.; Delprino, L.; Viola, F.; Caramiello, R.; Balliano, G.: Biosynthesis of Sterols and Triterpenoids in Tissue Cultures of Cucurbita maxima
Langhammer, L.; Schulze, G.; Gujer, R.; Magnolato, D.; Horisberger, M.: Isolation and Structure of a Rarely Occurring Cyanidanol Glycoside from Cortex Betulae
Kiso, Yoshinobu; Suzuki, Yuriko; Watanabe, Noriko; Oshima, Yoshiteru; Hikino, Hiroshi: Antihepatotoxic Principles of Curcuma longa Rhizomes
Endo, Katsuya; Oshima, Yoshiteru; Kikuchi, Hiroyuki; Koshihara, Yumi; Hikino, Hiroshi: Hypotensive Principles of Uncaria Hooks

Short Communication

Becker, H.; Herold, S.: RP-8 als Hilfsphase zur Akkumulation von Valepotriaten aus Zellsuspensionskulturen von Valerian wallichii RP-8 Auxiliary Phase for the Accumulation of Valepotriates from Cell-Suspension-Culture of Valeriana wallichii