DOI: 10.1055/s-00000085

The Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgeon

Ausgabe 06 · Volume 55 · September 2007 DOI: 10.1055/s-002-6976


Gummert, J. F.; Funkat, A.; Beckmann, A.; Schiller, W.; Hekmat, K.; Ernst, M.; Krian, A.: Cardiac Surgery in Germany during 2006: A Report on Behalf of the German Society for Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery

Original Cardiovascular

Hörer, J.; Herrmann, F.; Schreiber, C.; Cleuziou, J.; Prodan, Z.; Vogt, M.; Holper, K.; Lange, R.: How Well Are Patients Doing Up to 30 Years after a Mustard Operation?
Loukanov, T.; Gorenflo, M.; Sebening, C.; Springer, W.; Eichhorn, J.; Ulmer, H.; Hagl, S.: Surgical Treatment of Long-Segment Tracheal Anomalies in Infants and Children

Original Thoracic

Chamogeorgakis, T.; Anagnostopoulos, C. E.; Connery, C. P.; Ashton, R. C.; Dosios, T.; Kostopanagiotou, G.; Rokkas, C. K.; Toumpoulis, I. K.: Independent Predictors for Early and Midterm Mortality after Thoracic Surgery
Santini, M.; Fiorello, A.; Vicidomini, G.; Di Crescenzo, V. G.; Laperuta, P.: Role of Diffusing Capacity in Predicting Complications after Lung Resection for Cancer

Short Communications

Case Reports
