DOI: 10.1055/s-00000012


Ausgabe 12 · Volume 39 · Dezember 2007 DOI: 10.1055/s-002-8320


Original Article

Gubler, C.; Fox, M.; Hengstler, P.; Abraham, D.; Eigenmann, F.; Bauerfeind, P.: Capsule endoscopy: impact on clinical decision making in patients with suspected small bowel bleeding

Original article

Cheon, J. H.; Kim, Y.-S.; Lee, I.-S.; Chang, D. K.; Ryu, J.-K.; Lee, K. J.; Moon, J.-S.; Park, C. H.; Kim, J.-O.; Shim, K.-N.; Choi, C. H.; Cheung, D. Y.; Jang, B. I.; Seo, G.-S.; Chun, H.-J.; Choi, M.-G.; for the Korean Gut Image Study Group: Can we predict spontaneous capsule passage after retention? A nationwide study to evaluate the incidence and clinical outcomes of capsule retention
Fujimori, S.; Seo, T.; Gudis, K.; Tanaka, S.; Mitsui, K.; Kobayashi, T.; Ehara, A.; Yonezawa, M.; Tatsuguchi, A.; Sakamoto, C.: Diagnosis and treatment of obscure gastrointestinal bleeding using combined capsule endoscopy and double balloon endoscopy: 1-year follow-up study
Bellutti, M.; Mönkemüller, K.; Fry, L. C.; Dombrowski, F.; Malfertheiner, P.: Characterization of yellow plaques found in the small bowel during double-balloon enteroscopy
Domagk, D.; Bretthauer, M.; Lenz, P.; Aabakken, L.; Ullerich, H.; Maaser, C.; Domschke, W.; Kucharzik, T.: Carbon dioxide insufflation improves intubation depth in double-balloon enteroscopy: a randomized, controlled, double-blind trial
Maiss, J.; Diebel, H.; Naegel, A.; Müller, B.; Hochberger, J.; Hahn, E. G.; Raithel, M.: A novel model for training in ERCP with double-balloon enteroscopy after abdominal surgery
Masci, E.; Minoli, G.; Rossi, M.; Terruzzi, V.; Comin, U.; Ravelli, P.; Buffoli, F.; Lomazzi, A.; Dinelli, M.; Prada, A.; Zambelli, A.; Fesce, E.; Lella, F.; Fasoli, R.; Perego, E. M.; Colombo, E.; Bianchi, G.; Testoni, P. A.: Prospective multicenter quality assessment of endotherapy of biliary stones: does center volume matter?
Larghi, A.; Lightdale, C. J.; Ross, A. S.; Fedi, P.; Hart, J.; Rotterdam, H.; Noffsinger, A.; Memeo, L.; Bhagat, G.; Waxman, I.: Long-term follow-up of complete Barrett’s eradication endoscopic mucosal resection (CBE-EMR) for the treatment of high grade dysplasia and intramucosal carcinoma

Case report

Vallböhmer, D.; Hölscher, A. H.; Brabender, J.; Bollschweiler, E.; Gutschow, C.: Thoracoscopic enucleation of esophageal leiomyomas: a feasible and safe procedure
Akahoshi, K.; Akahane, H.; Murata, A.; Akiba, H.; Oya, M.: Endoscopic submucosal dissection using a novel grasping type scissors forceps


Mergener, K.; Ponchon, T.; Gralnek, I.; Pennazio, M.; Gay, G.; Selby, W.; Seidman, E. G.; Cellier, C.; Murray, J.; de Franchis, R.; Rösch, T.; Lewis, B. S.: Literature review and recommendations for clinical application of small-bowel capsule endoscopy, based on a panel discussion by international experts

Letters to the editor

Payeras, G.; Piqueras, J.; Moreno Vara, J.: Reply to C. Eisenbach et al.
Mensink, P.; Haringsma, J.: Reply to Dr. Matshushita et al.
Katsinelos, P.; Chatzimavroudis, G.: Reply to the letter of Matsushita et al.
Katada, C.; Muto, M.: Reply to M. Fujishiro
