DOI: 10.1055/s-00000025

Hormone and Metabolic Research

Issue 12 · Volume 15 · December 1983 DOI: 10.1055/s-002-8534

Toledo e Souza, I. T.; Wajchenberg, B. L.; Cesar, F. Prestes; Almeida Neto, J. S.: Residual Beta-Cell Function in Type II Diabetes and Evaluation of the Hepatic Insulin Extraction
Tsuda, K.; Seino, Y.; Mori, K.; Seino, S.; Takemura, J.; Kuzuya, H.; Imura, H.: Hyperfunction of the Entero-PP Axis in Non-Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus
Jackson, R. A.; Blix, P. M.; Matthews, J. A.; Peters, N.; Pilkington, T. R. E.; Rubenstein, A. H.; Nabarro, J. D. N.: Peripheral Glucose Uptake in Young Men with Myocardial Infarction
Bolton, Jennifer E.; Roud, Helen K.; Redekopp, Carolyn; Livesey, J. H.; Nicholls, M. G.; Donald, R. A.: Effects of an Enkephalin Analogue (DAMME) on Pituitary and Pancreatic Function in Sheep
Lüscher, T.; Thun, R.; Locher, R.; Walter, H.; Eberle, Ch.; Vetter, H.; Vetter, W.: Production, Characterization and Clinical Application of Antisera to Cortisol
Sasaki, K.; Murabayashi, S.; Baba, T.; Aoyagi, K.; Matsunaga, M.; Takebe, K.; Nigawara, K.: The Mechanism of Aldosterone Response to Furosemide Test in Patients with Shy-Drager Syndrome
Chatelain, P.; Gillet, L.; Waelbroeck, M.; Camus, J. C.; Robberecht, P.; Christophe, J.: Selective Alteration of Secretin-Stimulated Cardiac Adenylate Cyclase Activity in Streptozotocin-Diabetic Rats

Short Communications

Speroni, G.; Pezzarossa, A.; Bonora, E.; Capretti, L.: Effect of TRH on Plasma Glucagon in Cirrhotic Patients
Body, J. J.; Kellermann, G.; Muquardt, C.; Borkowski, A.: Serum Immunoreactive Calcitonin: Useful as a General Tumor Marker?

Stop-Press Communication