DOI : 10.1055/s-00000017

Experimental and Clinical Endocrinology & Diabetes

Ausgabe 03 · Volume 122 · März 2014 DOI: 10.1055/s-004-26599

57th Symposium of the German Society of Endocrinology (DGE)
Dresden, 19th–22th March, 2014

President: Prof. Dr. Stefan R. Bornstein

Schwartz, J; Penna-Martinez, M; Meyer, G; Shoghi, F; Willenberg, H; Ventz, M; Seißler, J; Hahner, S; Harsch, I; Badenhoop, K: Glucocorticoid receptor polymorphisms rs6198 and rs41423247 and hydrocortisone dose in Addison's disease
Askitis, D; Kloos, C; Battefeld, W; Wolf, G; Dirsch, O; Müller, UA: Retrospective evaluation of adrenal incidentalomas in a tertiary care institution
Peitzsch, M; Dekkers, T; Haase, M; Schultzekool, LJ; Hermus, ARRM; Blondin, D; Sweep, FCGJ; Antoch, G; Siegert, G; Lenders, J; Deinum, J; Willenberg, HS; Eisenhofer, G: Utility of LC-MS/MS based adrenal venous steroid profiling: Should cortisol remain the gold standard for selectivity and comparisons to aldosterone?
Hornemann, S; Maser-Gluth, C; Jürchott, K; Pivovarova, O; Kramer, A; Busjahn, A; Pfeiffer, AF: The influence of different nutrition interventions on the circadian pattern of the glucocorticoid metabolism by twins
Plöckinger, U; Tiling, N; Blankenstein, O; Weizsäcker, K von; Allolio, B; Kroiss, M; Hauptmann, K; Saeger, W; Radke, C; Steinmüller, T; Rahman, N; Chrusciel, M; Doroszko, M; Lacroix, A; Huhtaniemi, I; Quinkler, M: Transient pregnancy-induced Cushing's Syndrome with Aberrant Adrenal hCG receptor