European Journal of Pediatric Surgery
Ausgabe 02 ·
Volume 26 ·
April 2016
DOI: 10.1055/s-006-31381
Review Article
Original Article
Neunhoeffer, Felix;
Plinke, Swantje;
Renk, Hanna;
Hofbeck, Michael;
Fuchs, Jörg;
Kumpf, Matthias;
Zundel, Sabine;
Seitz, Guido:
Serum Concentrations of Interleukin-6, Procalcitonin, and C-Reactive Protein: Discrimination of Septical Complications and Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome after Pediatric Surgery
Umeda, Satoshi;
Usui, Noriaki;
Kanagawa, Takeshi;
Yamamichi, Taku;
Nara, Keigo;
Ueno, Takehisa;
Owari, Mitsugu;
Uehara, Shuichiro;
Oue, Takaharu;
Kimura, Tadashi;
Okuyama, Hiroomi:
Prenatal and Postnatal Clinical Course of an Urachus Identified as an Allantoic Cyst in the Umbilical Cord
Letter to the Editor
In Memoriam