DOI: 10.1055/s-00035024

Thrombosis and Haemostasis

Ausgabe 08 · Volume 80 · 1998 DOI: 10.1055/s-008-36095

Rapid Communication

Gardemann, Andreas; Humme, Jörg; Stricker, Jürgen; Nguyen, Quoc D.; Katz, Norbert; Philipp, Monika; Tillmanns, Harald; Hehrlein, Friedrich Wilhelm; Rau, Matthias; Haberbosch, Werner: Association of the Platelet Glycoprotein IIIa PIA1/A2 Gene Polymorphism to Coronary Artery Disease but not to Nonfatal Myocardial Infarction in Low Risk Patients
Durante-Mangoni, Emanuele; Davies, Graham J.; Ahmed, Nabeel; Ruggiero, Giuseppe; Tuddenham, Edward G.: Coronary Thrombosis and the Platelet Glycoprotein IIIA Gene PLA2 Polymorphism
Moor, Elisabeth; Silveira, Angela; Ferdinand van’t, Hooft; Tornvall, Per; Blombäck, Margareta; Wiman, Björn; Rydén, Lars; Hamsten, Anders: Coagulation Factor V (Arg506 → Gln) Mutation and Early Saphenous Vein Graft Occlusion after Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting
Miyamoto, Shinji; Marcinkiewicz, Cezary; Edmunds, L. Henry; Niewiarowski, Stefan: Measurement of Platelet Microparticles during Cardiopulmonary Bypass by Means of Captured ELISA for GPIIb/IIIa
Ignatescu, M.; Kostner, K.; Zorn, G.; Kneussl, M.; Maurer, G.; Lang, I. M.; Huber, K.: Plasma Lp(a) Levels Are Increased in Patients with Chronic Thromboembolic Pulmonary Hypertension
Miller, G. J.; Mitropoulos, K. A.; Nanjee, M. N.; Howarth, D. J.; Martin, J. C.; Esnouf, M. P.; Reeves, B. E. A.; Miller, N. E.; Cooper, J. A.: Very Low Activated Factor VII and Reduced Factor VII Antigen in Familial Abetalipoproteinaemia
Moerloose, Philippe de; Wutschert, Robert; Heinzmann, Monica; Perneger, Thomas; Reber, Guido; Bounameaux, Henri: Superficial Vein Thrombosis of Lower Limbs: Influence of Factor V Leiden, Factor II G20210A and Overweight
Toyoda, Hidenori; Fukuda, Yoshihide; Hayakawa, Tetsuo; Takamatsu, Junki; Saito, Hidehiko; Okamoto, Hiroaki: GB Virus C/Hepatitis G Virus Isolates in Japanese Haemophiliacs and their Origins
Galli, Monica; Duca, Francesca; Ruggeri, Luisa; Finazzi, Guido; Negri, Barbara; Moia, Marco: Congenital Resistance to Activated Protein C in Patients with Lupus Anticoagulants: Evaluation of Two Functional Assays
Salemink, Irene; Franssen, Jo; Willems, George M.; Hemker, Coenraad H.; Li, Anguo; Wun, Tze-Chein; Lindhout, Theo: Factor Xa Cleavage of Tissue Factor Pathway Inhibitor Is Associated with Loss of Anticoagulant Activity
Doggen, C. J. M.; Cats, Manger V.; Bertina, R. M.; Reitsma, P. H.; Vandenbroucke, J. P.; Rosendaal, F. R.: A Genetic Propensity to High Factor VII Is not Associated with the Risk of Myocardial Infarction in Men
Grau, Armin J.; Ruf, Andreas; Vogt, Axel; Lichy, Christoph; Buggle, Florian; Patscheke, Heinrich; Hacke, Werner: Increased Fraction of Circulating Activated Platelets in Acute and Previous Cerebrovascular Ischemia
Bouton, Marie-Christine; Thurieau, Christophe; Guillin, Marie-Claude; Jandrot-Perrus, Martine: Characteristics of the Interaction between Thrombin Exosite1 and the Sequence 269-297 of Platelet Glycoprotein Ibα
Rieger, M.; Schwarz, H. P.; Turecek, P. L.; Dorner, F.; Mourik, van J. A.; Mannhalter, C.: Identification of Mutations in the Canine von Willebrand Factor Gene Associated with Type III von Willebrand Disease
Colucci, Mario; Rossiello, Maria Rosaria; Barbanti, Miriam; Calanni, Fiorella; Semeraro, Nicola: Prevention and Therapy of Experimental Venous Thrombosis in Rabbits by Desmin 370

Letters to the Editor

Stefano, Valerio De; Chiusolo, Patrizia; Paciaroni, Katia; Casorelli, Ida; Mario, Antonella Di; Rossi, Elena; Leone, Giuseppe: Prevalence of the Factor II G20210A Mutation in Symptomatic Patients with Inherited Thrombophilia
Arnutti, Pasra; Hiyoshi, Motofumi; Prayoonwiwat, Wichai; Nathalang, Oytip; Suwanasophon, Chamaiporn; Kokaseam, Rachapat; Tatsumi, Noriyuki: Coagulation Factor V Leiden Mutation Was Detected in the Patients with Activated Protein C Resistance in Thailand
Miyata, Toshiyuki; Sakata, Toshiyuki; Kumeda, Kousuke; Uchida, Kagehiro; Tsushima, Motoo; Fujimura, Hironobu; Kawasaki, Tomio; Kato, Hisao: C-399T Polymorphism in the Promoter Region of Human Tissue Factor Pathway Inhibitor (TFPI) Gene Does not Change the Plasma TFPI Antigen Level and Does not Cause Venous Thrombosis
Alatri, Adriano; Bucciarelli, Paolo; Moia, Marco; Mannucci, Pier Mannuccio: Occult Cancer and Venous Thromboembolism
Prowse, C.; Dow, B.; Pelly, S. J.; McIntosh, E.; Reading, S.; Lowe, G. D. O.; Gibson, B.; Cachia, P.; Thomas, A.; Dennis, R.; Ludlam, C. A.: Human Parvovirus B19 Infection in Persons with Haemophilia
Révész, Tom; Arets, Bert; Bierings, Marc; van den Bos, Cor; Duval, Els: Recombinant Factor VIIa in Severe Uremic Bleeding