DOI: 10.1055/s-00035024

Thrombosis and Haemostasis

Ausgabe 09 · Volume 102 · 2009 DOI: 10.1055/s-008-36107

Editorial Focus

Review Article


Blood Coagulation, Fibrinolysis and Cellular Haemostasis

Verkleij, Chantal J. N.; Nieuwdorp, Max; Gerdes, Victor E. A.; Mörgelin, Matthias; Meijers, Joost C. M.; Marx, Pauline F.: The effects of hyperglycaemia on thrombin-activatable fibrinolysis inhibitor
Kwong, Shiyang; Woods, Anthony E.; Mirtschin, Peter J.; Ge, Ruowen; Kini, R. Manjunatha: The recruitment of blood coagulation factor X into snake venom gland as a toxin
Kotlín, Roman; Reicheltová, Zuzana; Malý, Martin; Suttnar, Jiří; Sobotková, Alžbòta; Salaj, Peter; Hirmerová, Jana; Riedel, Tomáš; Dyr, Jan E.: Two cases of congenital dysfibrinogenemia associated with thrombosis – Fibrinogen Praha III and Fibrinogen Plzeň
Livnat, Tami; Tamarin, Ilia; Mor, Yoram; Winckler, Harry; Horowitz, Zeev; Korianski, Yoseph; Bar-Zakay, Barak; Seligsohn, Uri; Salomon, Ophira: Recombinant activated factor VII and tranexamic acid are haemostatically effective during major surgery in factor XI-deficient patients with inhibitor antibodies
Galanaud, Jean-Philippe; Sevestre-Pietri, Marie-Antoinette; Bosson, Jean-Luc; Laroche, Jean-Pieere; Righini, Marc; Brisot, Dominique; Boge, Gudrun; van Kien, Aaurelie Khau; Gattolliat, Olivier; Bettarel-Binon, Catherine; Gris, Jean-Christophe; Genty, Celine; Quere, Isabelle; The OPTIMEV-SFMV Investigators: Comparative study on risk factors and early outcome of symptomatic distal versus proximal deep vein thrombosis: Results from the OPTIMEV study
Dentali, Francesco; Ageno, Walter; Witt, Dan; Malato, Alessandra; Clark, Nathan; Garcia, David; McCool, Kathleen; Siragusa, Sergio; Dyke, Shannon; Crowther, Mark; for the WARPED consortium: Natural history of mesenteric venous thrombosis in patients treated with vitamin K antagonists
Piazza, Gregory; Fanikos, John; Zayaruzny, Maksim; Goldhaber, Samuel Z.: Venous thromboembolic events in hospitalised medical patients
Gombos, Tímea; Makó, Veronika; Cervenak, László; Papassotiriou, Jana; Kunde, Jan; Hársfalvi, Jolán; Förhécz, Zsolt; Pozsonyi, Zoltán; Borgulya, Gábor; Jánoskuti, Lívia; Prohászka, Zoltán: Levels of von Willebrand factor antigen and von Willebrand factor cleaving protease (ADAMTS13) activity predict clinical events in chronic heart failure

Platelets and Blood Cells

Galan, Ana M.; Lopez-Vilchez, Irene; Diaz-Ricart, Maribel; Navalon, Fulgencio; Gomez, Esther; Gasto, Cristobal; Escolar, Gines: Serotonergic mechanisms enhance platelet-mediated thrombogenicity
Traenka, Julia; Hauck, Christof R; Lewandrowski, Urs; Sickmann, Albert; Gambaryan, Stepan; Thalheimer, Petra; Butt, Elke: Integrin-dependent translocation of LASP-1 to the cytoskeleton of activated platelets correlates with LASP-1 phosphorylation at tyrosine 171 by Src-kinase
Zhou, Zhou; Bernardo, Aubrey; Zhu, Qiqing; Guan, Yongli; Sun, Wensheng; Lopez, Jose A.; Jing, Naijie; Dong, Jing-fei: A G-quartet oligonucleotide blocks glycoprotein Ib-mediated platelet adhesion and aggregation under flow conditions
Serebruany, Victor; Sabaeva, Elena; Booze, Christopher; Atar, Oliver D.; Eisert, Christian; Hanley, Dan; for the Aggrenox® Compliance Task Force: Distribution of dipyridamole in blood components among post-stroke patients treated with extended release formulation
Distelmaier, Klaus; Adlbrecht, Christopher; Jakowitsch, Johannes; Winkler, Susanne; Dunkler, Daniela; Gerner, Christopher; Wagner, Oswald; Lang, Irene M.; Kubicek, Markus: Local complement activation triggers neutrophil recruitment to the site of thrombus formation in acute myocardial infarction

Cardiovascular Biology and Cell Signalling

Schweighofer, Bernhard; Testori, Julia; Sturtzel, Caterina; Sattler, Susanne; Mayer, Herbert; Wagner, Oswald; Bilban, Martin; Hofer, Erhard: The VEGF-induced transcriptional response comprises gene clusters at the crossroad of angiogenesis and inflammation
Brügger-Andersen, Trygve; Pönitz, Volker; Kontny, Frederic; Staines, Harry; Grundt, Heidi; Sagara, Mina; Nilsen, Dennis W.T.: The long pentraxin 3 (PTX3): a novel prognostic inflammatory marker for mortality in acute chest pain

Cardiovascular Biology and Cell Signaling


New Technologies, Diagnostic Tools and Drugs

Letters to the Editor

Tzortzatos, Gerasimos; Sioutas, Angelos; Beckman, Mats O.: Ovarian vein thrombosis in the first trimester of pregnancy
Spena, Silvia; Asselta, Rosanna; Caccia, Sonia; Rimoldi, Valeria; Giacomelli, Sofia H.; Tagliaferri, Annarita; Peyvandi, Flora; Castaman, Giancarlo; Duga, Stefano: Analysis of the structural effects of four novel and a previously known mutations causing factor XI deficiency
Roussel, Benoit D.; Hommet, Yannick; Macrez, Richard; Schulz, Torsten; Petersen, Karl-Uwe; Berezowski, Vincent; Cecchelli, Roméo; Ali, Carine; Vivien, Denis: PPACK-Desmodus rotundus salivary plasminogen activator (cDSPAα1) prevents the passage of tissuetype plasminogen activator (rt-PA) across the blood-brain barrier and neurotoxicity
Gils, Ann; Meissenheimer, Lester M.; Compernolle, Griet; Declerck, Paul J.: Species-dependent molecular drug targets in plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1)